My Heart Story

Hello! I’m Vanessa and I would be SO honoured to be a part of your sacred and special journey of pregnancy and child birth.

I have two beautiful children, Jesse and Lakey and had two VERY different births.

For my husband (Scott) and I, and for Jesse- his birth was quite traumatic and we were all left with both emotional and physical scars. This opened my eyes to the broken maternity system and to how uneducated I was around making decisions about my birth.

I knew that that was NOT the way birth was supposed to be. So when I fell pregnant with Lakey, I KNEW it had to be different… I wanted to claim my power back. I reached out, looking for support… I found SO much more!

I can now see that I was always meant to have that birth with Jesse, because it led me to HYPNOBIRTHING- which has been, by far, the BEST and most LIFE CHANGING decision I have ever made.

My birth with Lakey was magical

– It was what I dreamed of every night
– I did not fear what was happening
– I was CALM
– I embraced
– I b r e a t h e d
– I felt SO empowered

Lakeys birth changed my life and the relationship I had with myself. It was the catalyst for deeper connection to my spirit, my feminine power and my children. Since then, I haven’t been able to stop sharing my experience with others and this is why I am here today. Because I want EVERY mother to have the same, wonderful, LIFE CHANGING experience I had. I am SO passionate about positive birthing and would love to help YOU have the birth of your dreams too.